Info Logic
Infologic Holding Company
Address Logic Address or Postcode Finder
Map Logic Boundary Maps
Map Space Online MapS
List Logic Business & Residential Addresses
Report Logic Understanding Data

Report Logic

We've created some amazing custom reports for our customers.  The reports range in price from £150 to £900 depending on complexity and the quality of data.  By the time you've factored in your costs for compiling the data and projecting it onto a PDF you'll probably find that it is much cheaper to pay us to do the job for you.  Here are a few examples of the reports we've produced for others:

Franchise Area Planning
Political Footprint Analysis
Distribution Planning
General Mapping
Public Affairs Analysis
Sales Performance Analysis
Sales Territory Mapping
Supply Chain Analysis
Targeting Door Drops

Our mission is to provide easily accessible business and consumer information and to support all our endeavors with a first class customer experience.

If you have any questions about InfoLogic or the services we provide then please contact us